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Workshop for students

Session 2018-2019

Study Options in USA

Students of class XII got a wonderful opportunity to explore the options for studying in the United States of America. Representatives from various universities like Purdue, Indianapolis, South Dakota, Portland and Delaware conducted a workshop in the school campus where they highlighted the courses available for students at under graduate and post graduate levels. The workshop comprised of an interactive session where Mr Girish C. Ballola, CEO and founder- Gen next education/ International knowledge centre discussed the education programs in detail.
Workshop on Studies in Foreign Universities

Workshop on Studies in Foreign Universities

Students of classes XI and XII explored their options of pursuing their higher studies abroad. The school organised a workshop where Mr. Carl Adaway, Regional Manager, University of Birmigham deliberated upon the topic ‘Higher Education in the United Kingdom’. He explained all the aspects in detail as to how to apply, facilities available near the university, accommodation, living cost, etc. He also told how to prepare a good personal statement for applying in the university.

Exam Stress

Students of class XII attended a workshop on Study and Exam Skills conducted by Ms Kriti Munjal, Clinical Psychologist, Fortis Healthcare. The focus of the session was to make the students aware of what should they do to achieve what they plan. Ms Munjal told the students that exams are like life skills and they should take exams as a routine and not a special occasion. The students were made aware of ways to avoid procrastination and improve their concentration. Furthermore, they were given tips on effective reading. The session ended on a high note where students shared their concerns and cleared their exam- stress related doubts.

Higher Studies in USA and Canada

Higher Studies in USA and Canada

Students of class XII explored the opportunities to pursue their higher studies in the USA and Canada. Representatives from University of Guelph, Canada and Columbia College, USA made the students aware about the programs available there and the procedure to apply. An open session was also organized for the students where they asked their queries and cleared their doubts.

Strategies for Board Exam

Beginning with Chemistry, a number of workshops were organized for Class XII students, which provided coverage of the entire syllabus in a nutshell including the exam tips and strategies to prepare for Board exam. The subject experts discussed not only the examination pattern, but also the marking scheme followed by the board. The first session was conducted by Mr S.K. Munjal, Chemistry expert and mentor. The workshop for Business Studies was conducted by Mr. Tapan Pathak, for Physics, Biology and Computer Science by Mr. Sudhanshu Bajaj, Ms. Lisha and Ms. Gurmeet respectively.

Session 2019-2020

Session for Studying Abroad

Students of classes XI and XII got a wonderful opportunity to explore the options for studying in the United States of America. Representatives from various universities like Delaware, Columbia College, Eastern Michigan and Kalamazoo College conducted a workshop in the school campus where they highlighted the courses available for students at under graduate level. The workshop comprised of an interactive session where Mr Girish C. Ballola, CEO and founder- Gen Next education/ International knowledge Centre discussed the education programs in detail. The students were provided a comprehensive study guide for studying in the USA. The students cleared their doubts and queries regarding boarding, lodging and scholarships, etc. It was quite an informative session.

Session 2021-2022

World Kindness Day

“The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.” – Mahatma Gandhi Kindness can mean different things to different people. We are humans, and therefore, we make mistakes. We can be kind in our response to ourselves and others when those mistakes occur. To inculcate the values and meaning of kindness to the students a webinar was organized by KIIT World School. In this webinar, there was a talk on “World Kindness Day” wherein, Dr. Anthony elucidated kindness to the attendants and answered the questions asked by the students. It was an interactive and informative session. This webinar instilled moral values of kindness and being helpful to students in an interactive manner.

A talk on National Journalism Day

KIIT World School organised a talk by Mr Parvez Sagar, Senior Assistant Editor, AajTak, on the occasion of National Journalism Day. The session was graced by Dr Sangeeta Bhatia, Principal, Dr T. P. Singh, Director Academics and Mr Anshuman Kamrah, Management Executive. Mr Sagar shared the history and development of journalism from pre independent times to the modern day, highlighting the transition from newspapers to digital media. Focusing on the role of news on radio, he shared interesting facts like the declaration of India’s indepdence was broadcast on BBC. He also talked about the revolution brought by internet in the field of media and journalism, bringing the world closer to our homes. Addressing the students, Mr Parvez Sagar urged them to read newspapers to enhance general knowledge and linguistic capability.

He delved into the nuances of making of news stories, editing and broadcasting of the same. Mentioning the fact that media is the fourth pillar in a democracy, Mr Sagar pointed out the importance of free press and the need of disseminating accurate information. The talk was followed by an interactive session where students asked their queries and received meaningful insights. He also dispelled many myths related to fake news and cautioned the audience to verify the facts before sharing the news on social media. The session concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr T. P. Singh.

Theatre workshop

KIIT World School organised a theatre workshop for the students so that they understand the nuances of roleplay, expression and enacting with emotions. The workshop was conducted by alumni Vansh Mangla. The workshop began with an introduction to the theatre. Students gained knowledge about the types of theatre and how theatre is involved in their routine life. They were apprised about various aspects involved in theatre-like confidence, courage, imagination, etc. The transformation of imagination into reality with the use of creativity was taught to students. After this, students were divided into groups and were asked to prepare any form of roleplay on any topic. This helped them enhance their confidence, courage, imagination skills. A quality performance was delivered by the students. They also received feedback for their performance.

Workshop on 'Involvement of Mathematics in sustainable Development Goals'

Math-E-Mania, The Mathematics Club of KIIT World School organized a Workshop on ‘Involvement of Mathematics in sustainable Development Goals’. The Workshop was conducted by the trio Jiya, Rishit and Jaspreet of class VIII, IX, and X respectively. They presented a PPT on Sustainable Development and explained the problem of pollution due to increasing industries and infrastructure and provided solutions in the form of ecofriendly houses, roof top gardens, rainwater harvesting etc. It was followed by the discussion around the topic. The students shared their views and ways about how they have started working for sustainable development goals. Two parents volunteers (Mother of Tanisha Vig of class VI and Mother of Vaibhavi of class VIII also attended the workshop and shared their view points on the issue and appreciated the students for their keen interest.

A webinar on Emotional Health and Well-being

A webinar on Emotional Health and Well-being was conducted by KIIT World School for the students and parents. 
 The webinar was conducted to raise awareness among students and parents and make them understand the importance of emotional health and well-being. The webinar  emphasized the importance of self care where students and parents shared their self care routine. The webinar was concluded by a survey on emotional health. Children and parents were very enthusiastic. Mrs. Sarin,  mother of Samridhi Sarin of class VI expressed gratitude for conducting the webinar

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