Greetings from KIIT World School! Best of luck for your SA1 assessments! Stay focused, do your best, and remember to take breaks and keep a healthy balance.
Open Hours: Mon - Sat, 7.30 am - 3.00 pm
Open Hours: Mon - Sat, 7.30 am - 3.00 pm

Message from the Principal

Our Vision

We have a vision of creating a community of connected, confident, Indian global citizens.

Our goal is to motivate children to learn ‘how to learn’ with passion and curiosity.

We want students to gain an impetus for lifelong learning and become educated and informed leaders of the future who will collaborate, work and create to improve the quality of life.
KIIT World School stands for dynamism in education. Innovation-led practices have been tried, tested and perfected over the years, taking the school’s curriculum, pedagogy and assessment practices towards the continuously expanding frontiers of K-12 education.

Today, KIIT World School Delhi is NEP-ready and future-ready, shaping an education that is transformational and deeply engaging for students. Many best practices are in place; be it in areas like interdisciplinary learning, online learning, or in creating the innate curiosity that drives a love for learning. There is an ongoing commitment to developing teacher competencies and encouraging parent participation through insightful initiatives.

Our goal is to motivate children to become lifelong learners, with the passion and self-belief to engage with their own future and to develop into potential leaders working for a better world. Thousands of student journeys over five decades are testimony to KIIT World School, Delhi’s core strength: our ability to nurture our students so they are rooted in traditional values and yet, ready for their future. A long legacy of firsts inspires us to keep our students in step with their times through trends, ideas, and forces that will shape the world of tomorrow.

Our children learn to learn and learn to grow for life. And we keep pace with them.

Dr. Sangeeta Bhatia
MSc, BEd, PhD
Principal, KIIT World School, Pitampura, Delhi
Mentor, Happy Hours School, Pitampura, Delhi

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