Greetings from KIIT World School! The classes will resume from 1 July 2024. Enjoy the summer break!
Open Hours: Mon - Sat, 7.30 am - 3.00 pm
Open Hours: Mon - Sat, 7.30 am - 3.00 pm

CBSE Results 2023-24

CBSE Results 2022-23

The Grade XII and Grade X students of KIIT World School, Delhi have yet again achieved outstanding results in the 2023 CBSE Board Examinations. Our students excellent performance is the culmination of their hard work, the dedicated work of all teachers and, last but certainly not least, the encouragement and support of our parent community.

Heartiest Congratulations! to all students and their parents.

Message from our Principal

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Our Principal, Dr. Sangeeta Bhatia, congratulating students, parents and the dedicated team of KIIT teachers.

Roll of Honour


Class XII


Highest Score
0 %

* Best of four subjects

> 0 %

*1/4th of the class

Students in 1st Division
0 %

*83.7% avg. score for 5 subjects

Subject Grades
0 A1/A2

* Almost 3 A grades per student

Top Scorers & Summary​

Class X


Highest Score
0 %

* All Subjects

42 Students
> 0 %

*12 students scored >95%

3 Perfect Scores
0 /100

*In Social Science and Maths

Subject Grades
0 A1/A2

* Avg of 2.4 A grades per student

Top Scorers & Summary

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Designed & developed by Atomic Technologies
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